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Email 1

Subject: Stupid Wealth Generating Business Machine

Subject: How To Create Wealth (the easy way)

Subject: How To Set Up A Profitable Business in 7 Days 

Subject: Your Shortcut To Building Wealth 

Subject: How Would You Like To Create A Business Machine (easily in 7 days)

How would you like to build a ‘Business Machine' that allows you to work only 5 hours a week, using a proven system (since 2008) that creates the kind of wealth you have been dreaming of for years?

Meet Michael Cheney, 

For years he struggled to create an online business and was on the verge of giving up, feeling confused and wondering why he couldn't make the business work when others were doing it profitably.

This challenged him to think long and hard, testing his theories over several years he finally had an ‘AH HA' moment cracking the nut, figuring it ALL out. 

Michael had created his very own ‘Business Machine’ 

Since 2008 he has consistently delivered this wealth straight into his own bank accounts. 

The kind of silly dreamt of wealth.

Today you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire 7 figure ‘Business Model’ Michael built

Here’s how it works: [ADD AFF LINK]

Talk soon,


Email 2

Subject: Frreeeeedoommm

Subject: The Easy Road To Financial Freedom

Subject: Attention Freedom Seekers

It’s the ultimate goal 

The freedom to buy what you want without looking at the price tag, do whatever whenever without filling in a leave request form, go wherever you want cause you have the bank balance to support you

Now meet a guy who started out as the little guy and achieved multi-millionaire status all working from home on the internet

>>>Financial Freedom find out the easy way 


Talk soon


Email 3

Subject: The Millionaire Shortcut 

Subject: The Shortcut To 5 Hour Work Weeks

Subject: Your Shortcut Guide To Millionaires 5 Hour Work Weeks

Here’s how a skinny white guy from England went from working 60-80 hour weeks in a cubicle to only 5 hour weeks from home with his wife and kids

He did that by ignoring the common wisdom, breaking all the rules and turning the digital model upside down

His name is Michael Cheney  

He has created the biggest stir online with his SHORTCUT to building wealth online

Grab his 7 Figure Affiliate System TODAY  [ADD AFF LINK]

Talk soon


Email 4

Subject: Pssst…

Subject: Secret….

If you're looking to scale and grow a digital business online without wasting precious time, nor emptying your wallet and with sales starting in as little as 7 days

Then you my friend need to set your eyes on this….


Talk soon,


Email 5

Subject: Newbie Makes 10K (following this roadmap)

Subject: Newbie 10X His Business With This Roadmap

Randy spent 9 months and only made one thousand dollars UNTIL he got his hands on the Roadmap that took his earnings to Ten Thousand in a matter of weeks

Wanna see the roadmap? 

>>>See the 7 figure road map 


Talk soon


Email 6

Subject: No-One Knows About This (7 figure secret)

Subject: Hidden Secret To 7 Figures Online

I'll be honest nobody knows about this except for the guy who created it and his personal clients.

This generated wealth in the worst financial crisis of our lifetime, 

and now you have the chance to peel back the curtain and see exactly how you can implement this for your business

See how this works >>>


Talk soon


Email 7 

Subject: Your Questions Answered - How Do You Make Affiliate Commissions?

Subject: All Your Questions Answered On Wealth Creation

With the 7 Figure Affiliate System

This is a flagship course, the ultimate answers on how to make a living online from affiliate commissions.

From anywhere in the world and definitely from your lounge room chair.

Extremely popular and lucrative in 2022

Your answers are all here: >>>> 


Talk soon,


Email 8

Subject: Read This Or Stay Broke 

Stop wasting your time following gurus shady tactics, theory and ideas that get you zero sales and results.

That keeps you broke and undermines your intelligence and integrity

Trust me you won’t find that here today or any day with Michael,

What you will find are ethical practises and you will be shown the exact steps to what puts consistent sales through your business and dollars in your pocket

I know this - (proven by countless students experienced and inexperienced everyday people) 

You can see all of this and more proof here: >>>> [ADD AFFILIATE LINK]

Talk soon,


Email 9

Subject: Open. Read. Delete. (it's become that valuable)

If you desire a steady stream of sales & commissions online

That creates time freedom 

and takes you from working 60-80 hour weeks 

to only 5 hour work weeks 

from your laptop 

leaving you with plenty of wealth 

and the time to do what you want whenever and wherever you want…

Then go here straight away…right NOW! >>>>


Talk soon,


Are You Moving to Wealthy Town?

I read somewhere: "Your Boss is never going to pay you enough to where you can be his neighbor"

Let that sink in.

I think the meme said let that sink in as well...

The only way to make as much as your boss is to be your own boss.

Are you going to waste decades of your life, hoping that someday you will get promoted?

Or are you going to take charge of your life?

Grab your freedom!

Live where you want to live and vacation where you want to.

To do that you need a business that pays for all that and gives you the freedom to do that.

That is why so many of my students work a few hours a day and make tons of cashola.

Blog Posts

Pardon from your Life Sentence

If you have a job, you may feel like you are sentenced to life without parole.

Even if you love your job, it still takes away your freedom.

What if you could get free?

Where would you go and who would you spend your time with?

Debts are gone...

Just total financial freedom, which gives so many other freedoms as well.

Eventually, you will see freedom is better than money. 

Copy the same Proven business model that got me free: LINK

LinkedIn Posts

Millionaire Shortcut

In financial freedom, do you want to get there fast or slow?

Some people take 40-50 years, working 60+ hours a week,


They never achieve financial freedom.

That is a lot of work for zippo.

Or you can hop on the express lane and slide by all that nonsense.

I will show you how to work a few hours a day.

And get the results you actually want.

Copy my shortcut here: [LINK]

YouTube Promo

7 Figure Affiliate System Walkthrough Product Sales Video

Download the video here: https://vimeo.com/684520019

Embed in your website: 

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